Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Week of Moons: Moon Facts

Today I thought I'd give some interesting facts about our beloved moon.

The moon...
  • Spins at a rate of ~10mph
  • orbits earth in about 27.3 days
  • Is not made of cheese (as apparently 13% of the population still believed in a survey conducted in 1988). It's actually made of heavy metals, mostly iron and silica. The surface is covered in a dusty glass like material called silicon dioxide.
  • Has a core which is partially molten.
  • Surface consists of dust that smells like burnt gunpowder
  • Is tidally locked to Earth which means the same side of the moon is always facing Earth viewers
  • Is covered in craters because it has no atmosphere to destroy objects before they crash into the surface
  • Is about 1/4 the size of earth and has a surface area of about 9.4 billion acres
  • Is the only other astronomical body that humans have set foot on.
  • Has small amounts of water ice near its surface
  • Causes tides here on Earth

Image Credit: Luc Viatour  www.lucnix.be