Monday, April 18, 2011

End of the Shuttle Program

 NASA Space Shuttle Endeavour

Many of you may have heard talk of the end of NASA's shuttle program. Sadly, it is true. NASA no longer has funding for manned space flight missions. (One of the many budget cuts that we are all dealing with nowadays.) This doesn't mean that NASA isn't launching things to space, it just means that they are no longer sending humans to space. There are two missions left, one using Space Shuttle Endeavour, the other Space Shuttle Atlantis. Both missions are scheduled to launch from Kennedy Space Center in Florida early this summer. NASA will still launch satellites, telescopes, rovers, and other goodies into space, but until the government grants us more money, space will have to be studied using robotic instruments. Other agencies, such as the European Space Agency, will continue manned missions to the international space station as funding permits. So if you want to be an astronaut, you'll have to move out of the United States. *sadness*